Sadly my Grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday 21st November 2006. She was born Elsie Maud Archer on 5th December 1912. Today would have been her 94th Birthday. I would like to share the words I spoke at her funeral service. After a few very sleepless nights, when I lay awake trying to get my thoughts in order, I came up with the following: Grandma was like an extra Mum, only with more time to spare. She was, at times, my Teacher, my Carer, my Counsellor and my Nurse. Grandma taught me so many things, not least how to knit and crochet and how to play patience and rummy, but much to Grandma’s disgust, I never learned to enjoy a cup of tea! I remember spending many happy holidays staying with Grandma and Grandpa in Brundal, where Grandma and I would go to the library, Grandma would let me play with her button box, we would play card games, visit Grandpa at the Old peoples home where he worked, and best of all go down to the river to feed the ducks. One occasion I remember well was when I slipped over after my bath and I bit my tongue. Grandma was very calm and stemmed the flow of blood with a hanky, But what I remember most was that she never said “I told you so!” Even though I had been told over and over not to run. She did however remind me of it a number of times over the years when I rushed into things. Once Grandma and Grandpa moved to Downham things changed and I no longer went to stay for a few days, instead I visited nearly every week. Grandma and Grandpa became our babysitters if Mum and Dad went out, or if we had time off school for illness. Grandma was a rock; she wasn’t a hard person, but a solid reliable rock that I knew I could turn to from a very young age. Grandma cared about everything I did. She listened to my tales of school, college and married life. I always felt that she was proud of my achievements, no matter how small. She listened without judging. But she was not averse to offering her advice if she thought you needed it! I remember how she would complain about all the “Old” people in the queue on Thursday at the post office when she went to collect her pension! She had a great sense of humour and a very sharp wit. The stories she told of her brief stay in High Haven had us in stitches. Especially when she described using the lift without permission, or sneaking out for a sly puff! To quote from a 1980’s song about Grandmas with which we tormented her as kids; There's no one quite like Grandma And I know you will agree That she always is a friend to you And she's a friend to me There's no one quite like Grandma She's there in times of need Before it's bedtime, on her knee To us a book she'll read And one day when we're older We'll look back and say There's no one quite like Grandma She has helped us on our way Grandma will be missed by all of us, but she has left us with a lot of happy memories. |
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
In Memory of Grandma
Friday, November 03, 2006
How appropriate
You Are 50% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird...But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
Scarves Scarves and more Scarves

Then I took them to the MS Therapy Centre, where they are on sale from now until Christmas.
Middle row Cathy, Maddie, Edward, Mum, Emily, & Jamie
Front row: Joshua, Charlotte & Abigail.
Monday: Mum and I did some work in the garden. We managed to get the pelargoniums into the summer house to protect them from the frost. Then we started to dig holes in the non existant lawn to put stepping stones up the garden.
My stepdaughter arrived at lunch time with her two children.
Tuesday: Hubby left to go sailing. Lots of baby cuddling took place as the weather was not good enough to go out.
Wednesday: Went shopping in the morning and then called in at the local nursery to look at plum trees, (Charlie wants a plum tree), while we were there Charlie took part in their Halloween craft activities. Thus we came home with creepy spiders, masks and grass seed heads! Mum went home in the afternoon and Charlie and I played board games. Hubby returned early from sailing as there were storm force winds in the Solent!
Thursday: Hubby and Charlie went swimming while I set the remaining stones in the garden. Then I finished preparing the garden to sow the grass seed. Eventually got the seed sown and then had an afternoon nap!
Friday: Work, Shopping & McDonalds with Charlie!
Saturday: Physio course in Halton, Bucks.
Sunday: Emilys 17th Birthday
We were joined at home by my best friend from my school days, who also happens to be Emily's Godmother.
It was almost a relief to go back to work on Monday!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Nothing much: Sorry
I finished a rainbow coloured cardi for Ella, but I took it down to Hastings before I remembered to take a photo. Perhaps I will get a photo of Ella wearing it before too long. Not a lot of knitting going on at the moment. I have been busy getting to grips with a new term at school, with all the associated after school clubs, taking over as assisstant Rainbow Leader and work. Next week I am going to Ally Pally for the first time. I'm looking forward to it as I will be going with a friend. Also I won £50 in our work 200 club this week so I have got some spending money to take with me. |
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I know I'm biased but I think she is rather yummy.

Here's one of the new grandma.

And now some knitting photos.
The blanket is one I have done for all the new babies in the family. Each one has had a different ribbon trim. It looks great in every colour,(I have made it in navy blue, yellow, red and white)

The pale pink cardi is done in four ply snugly. I love the classic pattern and have to admit I could probably make it with my eyes shut as I must have made it a hundred times. The great thing is it's really easy to make and can be worn with anything(provided the colour matches)!

Friday, September 15, 2006
It's a girl
Just a short post to let those of you who read this blog know that I became a grandma again this morning. My Stepdaughter gave birth to ELLA at 6.14am , weighing in at 7lb 11oz. I haven't seen her yet so no photos, but we are going to visit tomorrow! It is going to be a mega day as we are going to Hastings, to visit the new baby, then Norfolk for the18th birthday party of my stepsister's daughter. Hopefully I will be home on Sunday evening with photos of both! |
Monday, September 11, 2006
Knitting in Public (Transport)
Having signed up for a day in London hosted by the London Regional MS Society I decided to do something I haven't been able to do in a long time. I took my knitting with me to do on the train! I usually travel to courses by car with one of my colleagues or I go to town with one or both of my girls. Both of these situations do not allow me to get my kneedles out and start knitting. If I did this with Emily she would be soooo embarassed, and Charlie is still worried by thoughts of bombs on London trains to travel without holding my hand or sitting on my lap! It is impossible to knit one handed or with an eight year old on your lap!!! So, as I said I took my knitting. I got a few strange looks, but most people totally ignored me. That was until I got to London Bridge when a small child watched me intently all the way to Kings Cross Thameslink.As I got off I heard her ask her Mummy "what was that lady doing?" Mummy's reply was devastating........."I think she was sewing!!" Just goes to show haw bad our education system has got! As I arrived early for my day I sat with a cup of coffee in the conference room and got out my knitting. I was then approached by a lovely (elderly ish) lady who showed a great deal of interest in the baby cardi I was making. You could guess her age when she turned to a friend and said "yes it's a matinee coat like we thought". Does anyone make matinee coats any more I had a few for Emily(17) but by the time Charlie arrived they seemed very old fashioned. I will put some photos on soon as I have finished the blanket and two cardis. |
Friday, August 25, 2006
Just for a laugh
We had to buy an extra large bed for Molly because Minnie took to sleeping in the middle of her old bed. Once Minnie had settled down Molly wouldn't lie on her own bed. Every night she would carry her bed around trying to find a place for it and lie on it before the cat got back on it! As soon as she put the bed down, Minnie would make herself comfortable and Molly would end up sleeping on he floor. Now there is room for both of them. Minnie gets so close she actually rubs her cheek on Mollys face and legs, and Molly will then groom her! Even with the collar on Minnie still gets Molly to groom her.

We took this photo of Molly sitting in my Hubby's canoe on the front lawn. She would do anything to make a spectacle of herself!

Firstly she wanted to try the surf board! Then she did a bit of swimming. |

And lastly some under cover work for MI 5!

Yes .... she really is buried up to her neck. She just lies down and waits to be covered up. I have never met such an amazingly daft labrador in my life before.
Next Gerneration

At long last my girls are starting to enjoy needlecraft. This was Charlie's cross stitch which she made on holiday from a kit. I know they ned frames, but I had to sneak a quick picture while she was out playing.
I had to grit my teeth while she was stitching and try hard not to criticise mistakes. I forgot how hard it is to get kids to keep the stitches all going the same way!
Next I need to get her more interested in knitting!!!
She has mastered basic knitting and seldom drops stitches, but I find it hard to keep her motivated. I need to find some basic patterns for her to try. I remember my Mum encouraging me to knit something from a pattern as soon as I had learned to knit and purl.
Then Emily decided to have a go and bought a magazine in Tavistock with a cross stitch kit attached.
She has nearly completed it without any help whatsoever. It seems to appeal to her mathematical brain.
I have tried to teach her to knit,(She can do basic knit stitch) but I find that anything complicated seems to confuse her. I think its the dyslexia and dyspraxia which prevents her mastering the kneedles!
I had a great laugh today. A great friend gave me a pressie. (I do love pressies when they come out of the blue) It was a knitting book.
But not just any knitting book.
Its a book of patterns for knitting things for dogs, yes you did read it right, dogs!
I know I am totally bonkers but I think if I started knitting for Molly my Hubby would have me locked up! I am sure that there are people out there who would knit for their pet, but I am not one of them. I did have a good laugh though and after hearing something on the radio last week about the benefits of laughter, to your health, I think I must have done myself the power of good. I may make some of the things just to amuse myself!
For now though I have to get on with the baby stuff as my stepdaughter is having braxton hicks contractions already and the midwife has predicted that Ella may come a bit early.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Result Day Angst
This was my holiday knitting chair. The view from the window was spectacular. I could gaze at the sea while clicking away with the needles. The railings you can see form the edge of the balcony overlooking the garden.
The bay in the background is Thurlestone Sands in Devon.
I would have moved down to Devon tomorrow if the opportunity arose.There are only a few small things in the way. Hubby's job, My job, eldest daughter( who wouldnt move if we paid her!). Not a lot really! I think the dog and youngest daughter would have come with me. Only downside was I didn't find any knitting shops. Although to be fair we didn't spend much time in the shops as Hubby hates browsing.
At long last we have had some rain and I have come back to find my lawn has "greened" again and my plants are looking much better. No need for rain dances, thank goodness! Now I just have to finish the fence painting, bulb planting and preparing for autumn.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
And now the Garden
My garden is on the side of a hill, the top of the garden is almost as high up as the roof!
Now for the tour:

It is about 1/4 of the way up the garden and sits on the bend of the path to the deck.

The deck, and summer house form the next level of the garden.
I am only half way to finishing painting the fence next to the pond.
You can't see the pond from this view as it sits behind the sleepers.

This is the view of the pond from above. It is the only part of my garden which is really growing well. Somewhere in there are about 30 goldfish, a few newts and a load of frogs.
I love water lily flowers! Such a shame they only last a few days.

Two giant wasps!
In the front garden I have my miniature weeping willow. I am watering this twice weekly to keep it alive.
It was a present from a very special friend and I couldn't bear to lose it.
It should grow to 8m in height and 8m across. I have already told my daughters that it will be perfect for my grandchildren to sit under.
As you can see the grass is really suffering in this drought. Not much of it has stayed green. The back lawn is even worse as it is in the sun all day, this lawn at least stays shady till after lunch.
All I can say is LET IT RAIN SOOOOON!
If it carries on like this we may be resorting to trying rain dances on the front garden.
Does anyone know the words?
My pets!
I thought I would show anyone out there a few photos of the annimals in my life.
BUFFY The baby of the family (age 4) |
The old lady (age 12)She has to wear the collaras she tends to lick off thefur from her back!
The old man. (age 13)
He occasionally graces us with a visit, but doesn't appreciate being made to sit still for a photo.
The shy one.We adopted smokey whenhis owners moved to Spain.
And Finally.......................................................
The STAR of the show.....................Bat Dog
Or is it Molly the mad labrador in one of her many disguises?
A knitting Photo!

Here is a little cardi knitted in Pale blue 'acrylic' (can't remember which one) made for one of the ladies who work with my hubby. I love knitting for babies as it is so quick and they don't complain about it not being the "in thing".
As the mum of two girls I have to be aware of whats in and whats not!, Not that it affects my wardrobe!!
I am having a break at the moment after emptying out the upstairs store room. Long story to follow so you can skip it if you wish!!!
When we moved in to our house in 1989 we had my hubby's two children living with us, but we were already planning our own, so in anticipation of having three kids at home (each wanting their own room) we built a stud-partition wall to create two rooms out of one. The only problem with it was the lack of window, but as it was only used for sleeping it didn,t seem to matter. At first my stepson had this room as it was bigger than the box-room.The new baby had the box room. Then when The eldest moved out we used it as a playroom / spare room. Then came baby number 2 (stepson by now age 13, daughter aged 8 1/2) So new baby had this room. When stepson moved out in 2002 (age 17) we made the spare room smaller, giving daughter a bigger room, and moved baby (by now age 4) into box room! (Are you following this?)The space became a very useful storage area, to keep boxes of photos, toys, games,all the spare bedding and towels,and also houses both girls wardrobes and chest of drawers. The only down side is that being a hoarder I tend to dump stuff in it! It had got to the point where it was full to capacity, and totally disorganised, so as I am on my own today I decided it was time for a mega sort out.
Found a few stashed balls of wool (what a surprise!) and am now planning what to do with them.
I love finding stuff I forgot I had. In my house, and with my memory, that happens quite a lot.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Am I really SAD
Fancy being a daisy! And Chocolate Chip ice-cream.
The scarf knitting is progressing well. I now have over 25 scarves done and hope to make loads of dosh for the MS centre. Has anyone tried selling hand-knit scarves? Any idea how much to charge?
School holidays progressing well. Youngest daughter has just completed a week of fun tennis lessons. She manged to get a prize for improvement! Apparently she has gone from not being able to hit the ball to being able to! I suppose that is a big improvement. Not eactly a budding wimbledon hopeful!!!!
Older daughter has spent the week getting up late and generally chilling out on MSN!
She is off to walk the Cumbria Way next week with her youth hostel group the postellers
Am currently waiting for eldest daughter to download all my photos from my camera, then I will be able to show some of my recent knitting and sewing exploits.
Have to decide which projects to take on holiday. May take the scarf yarn and needles to knit in the car (while hubby drives!), along with the baby blanket squares for my step granddaughter. Also thining of taking some Sirdar Rio with soft cotton, in case I run out!
I love chocolat chip ice cream!
You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream |
![]() You are kind, popular, and generous. You tend to be successful at anything you try. A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd. You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream. |
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Dog Show Rosettes
Tomorrow is our primary school fete, so I've not seen the hubby for days as he is organising the beer tent. Having been to the cash and carry twice, and the supermarkets he is now checking the gazebo to make sure all the bits are there. I find it unbelievable how little support there is for running the stalls. Everyone seems to think it's someone else's responsibility! We have been helping at the same primary school for 17 years and every year it has got worse. It really bugs me that so many parents want the new computers or playground equipment, but don't think it's their problem when it comes to running the fete.
It's the same with everything in this country at the moment. Some of the mums who drop off their daughters for Rainbows and Brownies just seem to see it as a glorified babysitting service. And by the time you get to senior school there seems to be almost no parental participation.
Well that got that off my chest. Now for the knitting. Baby clothes rule at the moment. My step-daughter's baby is due in two months and I keep finding lovely patterns and yarn to make things for her(the baby, not the step-daughter) The only problem is time. Where does it go?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I feel like a real dumbo at times when I read other peoples blogs.
As far as the knitting goes, I find it hard to knit in the hot weather. I have nearly finished the little pink cardi for my step Granddaughter, and am making a blue one for one of the ladies who works in the same office as my hubby.
Today I have been making a Greek chiton for Charlie to wear to school tomorrow as they are having an "ancient greek day" at her primary school. I just have to finish off the neck when she comes home to make sure it fits!!
I popped up to my LYS to pick up a length of cord to use as a belt,and ended up with the cord, a couple of decorative buckles to use on the shoulders, three balls of snuggly baby yarn and another pattern book!
If I get knocked down by a bus it would probably take longer to sort out my yarn stash than anything else! I tend to be a hoarder of all things sentimental, useful, and just about everything in between. My loft will never need an extra layer of insulation as I have so much up there that the heat can never escape.
I have all my baby stuff (from both girls, now age 16 & 8), my uni stuff, yarn stash, dance school costumes from 3 shows, xmas decorations, kids toys, kids school work, art work and so on! None of it has any value (except maybe the yarn stash) but I can't bear to part with it.
Am currently chilling out watching Wimbledon. Need to have knitting with no pattern, no shaping and no difficult bits while I watch Wimbledon as I get in a right pickle!
Boring old garter st. or for me for the next two weeks!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Blog or no Blog
I am enjoying a couple of hours peace while hubby and girls pop down to Maidstone to visit Father-in-law / Grandad. I intend to spend some of the time sorting out the pattern on yesterdays frogged cardi.Firstly though I wanted to blog as I know I won't get a look in with the computer once the kids get back. Also hubby will need it to finish off his job application. Current job runs out in July and as we can't survive for long on my income(probably about a week), he needs to get something else to keep him busy, and out of my hair!!!
I have added a few bits to my stash this week. My LYS is closing and is selling off a few bits at a discount. Being a very structured knitter I need patterns to knit by. Got three books 1/2 price. one patons, one jaeger and one Rowan. All three books are baby and kids knits, not that I haven't got a whole load already, but most of mine I have already done a few times and I want some more modern stuff to make for my step-grandaughter - due in sept! I also bought some really soft cotton blends to make baby cardis and booties. I love knitting for new babies and kids as they look so adorable in home-made stuff! Both daughters had bagfulls of stuff when they were tiny, especially number one as I had to spend loads of time with my feet up. Now they look at me as if I'm mad when I suggest home knitted stuff. The only exception is the scarves which I am currently making.
Both girls have been taught to knit, but Em is dyslexic and mildly dispraxic so finds it really difficult to get her mind and fingers in tune. Charlie on the other hand is a good little knitter and inspired me to teach her Brownie pack last year for National Knitting week.
Must stop blogging and get this knitting done.Once I get the ribbing sorted the rest of it is just st st so won't tax the brain too much! Then I want to get some baby stuff done. Hope to blog some photos of knitting soon.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I use my hubby's lap-top to blog as the pc is located in the Black Hole of Calcutta, also known as the eldest daughters bedroom!!! Well just my luck when I want to use it to find that the second hard drive in a year has crashed and everything is un-recoverable! I find that sort of thing really frustrating. Even more so than frogging a piece of knitting that has taken all afternoon to knit up. (you can probably guess that thats what I spent today doing.
I have been asked to knit a short sleeve cardi for a friend using an unidentified beige 4ply. I cast on all 161 stitches, then tried to get the pattern sorted. After frogging it four times as it wasn't working out, I gave up and went out to pick up from school. When I came back to it it was much easier, but I lost count of the pattern repeat (probably due to constant questions from Charlie) and had to frog once more. I'm leaving it now and doing another scarf!!!
I am in mourning as my LYS is closing. HELP The couple who run it retired two years ago and set up selling wool from their house via local church halls. Then they opened another shop, but they are now retiring for good as their lease has not been renewed. They are selling up lock stock and barrel, but it won't be the same atmosphere and the new shop will be much further away.
Will blog again soon as it is cuddle time before bed!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Twice in one day

Having managed to get one photo on I thought I would post another while the going is good.
Emily went to her first formal evening on Friday. Her High School held their Year 11 Prom at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon.
It was a very emotional occasion, not just for the students, as many of the parents had a tear in the corner of their eye as we waved them off in their Limo.
I really feel old now! Emily is at school today for the last day of statutory education. It seems like five minutes since she started primary school.
Third Time Lucky

Third time lucky?
I am trying to get a photo onto the blog. If This works it is a photo of Charlie (my younger daughter), and Molly (my mad Labrador).
Knitting is at a standstill today. My wrists can't take any more for a while. I completed scarf number 15 last night. Thats 15 in two months. Not as many as I would have liked, but not bad given that I have to work as well!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Luckily it was a quiet day at the centre where I work so I was able to take it gently. Even so I was absolutely shattered by the time I came home.
Yesterday I went to a really emotional christening. My friend's daughter sadly died last year, shortly after giving birth to her second child(a much longed for little girl). Daisy was born prem at 28 weeks and for a while it was touch and go. Amazingly she is now a bonny little thing who is developing well. Since leaving Hospital Daisy and her brother Kyle have lived with their Grandparents.
On the knitting front I have been getting into the scarves and have now completed eleven different styles and colours. As soon as I can get a photo to load onto this blog I will post a picture of my multicolour scarves.
My Stash:
I vowed not to add anything to my stash during May, but alas I went to a local budget shop and picked up a few balls of fluffy stuff! (actually it was 28 balls) . They are for the charity scarves so I think that excuses it. The rest of my stash currently occupies three large whicker boxes under the coffee table, Four black sacks in the loft, two drawers under the bed and a few odd balls scattered around the house in carrier bags. Oh well...I will have to make a new stash resolution in June!!! And I will have to try and keep it.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Rest..... Whats that?
No such luck.
Yesterday Emily managed to get hit on the back of the head by a badly placed football. The worst thing was that she was only chatting to mates during break time at school and was not even playing.
Emily is notorious at school for her continuous list of accidents. During her 5 years at high school she has broken her wrist twice, suffered concussion three times, cracked her coccyx and now has whiplash! Add to that viral meningitis and knee surgery, she has really made her mark!
Back to me... Guess who had to spend 3 1/2 hours in casualty while she had her neck xray done. At one point the doctors nearly offered me a bed due to the fact that I was getting breathless from coughing.
The nest is still safe. I really worry every time I see the Magpie approaching. Fortunately the parent birds are very observant and have seen it off.
They haven't finished building, but have started to decorate already. Today a piece of blue nylon rope has been added to the nest making it look very attractive.
I've been on 30mg of prednisolone for 5 days and now feel like marshmallow man! My fingers are like puffed rice and I've had to take off my eternity ring. I would have taken off the wedding ring,but I couldn't get it off in time. Thus I sit here watching it dissappear into my folds of skin, knowing that if it gets any worse I will have to have it cut off......The ring not the finger ....hopefully!
Monday, May 01, 2006
spring fever!
Have now been stuck at home since Thursday without a computer as hubby took it on the boat to use it for navigation. (a chart and a pair of binoculars work just as well!!)Any way, I have completed three more scarves in jazzy yarn purchased in Norfolk. I managed to squeeze in a visit to both parents while I was there, plus a visit to one of my favourite wool shops. Well a girl has to have priorities doesn't she! I also saw my Grandmother which made it even more worthwhile.
I was hoping to go back to work in the morning, but as I am still breathless when I talk I don't think I can take my normal exercise classes for wheelchair users. Its a real bummer as I love my job.
After a hectic weekend with my sister here, I am now sitting in my front room watching a nest being built by two very active song-thrushes. They have been continuously harrassed by a magpie, but have bravely seen it off all day. My video camera is trained on the nest so that I can get a closer view. Perhaps they will lay eggs soon and I can watch the babies.
My pond is absolutely full of tadpoles. I love going up the garden to watch them developing. What a great waste of time! Yesterday the water was so clear that I even saw a newt. My daughter Charlie can't work out why I call him MI. Well he is only small after all!!!
My eldest daughter takes her GCSE exams in a few weeks, and I am feeling really old. I was reading on another blog about a mum whose son had just started school and I tried to leave a comment, but my laptop was so slow I kept getting cut-off mid stream. Anyway If you have a child just starting school, enjoy every moment, (even when they don't tell you anything), put your name down to help on school trips, join the pta, do anything to involve yourself in school life, as it will all be over in the blink of an eye. Ypu know the saying that school days are the best days of your life..... Well I think they're wrong... Your kids school days can be even better. It seems like five minutes since Emily started school and she leaves in June!!
Better go now as the Kids want to eat again. I really am getting hooked on blogging,although I spend more time reading other peoples than I do writing my own.
Can you believe I can no longer work out how to put photos on. The green dress was definately a fluke!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Where am I going wrong
I have no head for business and I definately have no control over my money!!!
Your Birthdate: April 8 |
![]() Your strength: Your undying determination Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle Your power color: Plum Your power symbol: Dollar sign Your power month: August |
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The Green Dress

Here is a photo of oldest daughter wearing the green dress mentioned in a previous blog. The picture does not do it real credit as it doesn't show the silver and green spirals on the bottom of the skirt, the sewn in leotard and the silver bodice front which had to be added to preserve her dignity.
As a very amateur seamstress I am amazed that it held together for a dress rehearsal and three performances!
As I am blogging today it means we have not left yet for our sailing holiday. Weather not bril, and I got a rotten cough. My other half has decided its bad enough sharing a house with my cough let alone a 31ft boat!
Daughter featured in the photo currently in Norfolk staying with her Grandma, hopefully revising for her GCSE exams. Next weekend she will be youth hosteling on the North Norfolk coast with a group called the postellers.
Today i am enjoying a leisurely Saturday, with breakfast in bed and a trip out for lunch. Well a girl expects to be pampered on her birthday. My Dad really upset me though as he sent me a card with "life begins at 40" on it. I wouldn't mind except that I'm not 40 till next year! The other downside is that everyone has sent me choccies which could lead to disaster as I am trying to reduce my weight. Next year I will ask for something specific!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
nutty-knitters nutty knits
I have become hooked on buying stuff on e-bay. Last week I bought two lots of wool and this week I got another two bargains. It is a great way of getting yourself a stash at a reasonable price. You have to know what the original price was to grab a bargain (not forgetting to include the postage) but most knitters know a bargain when they see it.
Just wish there were more knitting hours in the day.
Schools out here so the kids are at home. The oldest is already driving me mad as she starts GCSE exams in five weeks. The little one is spending all day driving her dad crazy as he doesn't work during school hols, unlike me who has only booked next week off Good move really.
As I am married to a sailing enthusiast(nutcase) I will be spending next week sailing the south coast from Portsmouth to Weymouth, depending on wind and tide! In between pulling a few ropes, making tea for the captain, entertaining the seven year old whirlwind, taking the dog ashore in the dinghy and feeding the crew I hope to get a bit of knitting done. Most will have to be done when we are alongside during the evening so I won't be taking any intricate patterns!
Good job I've got loads of scarves to knit!!
I may not get another chance to blog before we go away so Happy Easter to anyone who reads my Blog!
Friday, March 31, 2006
nutty-knitters nutty knits
Why is it so hard to keep to one project at a time? Currently got at least four things on the needles. I have started kniing those fluffy scarves for selling for chaity. I work at a centre for people with MS and we are always looking for ways of raising money. Being totally mad I suggested that some of us start knitting scarves to sell for xmas. It seems a long time away but I thought it best to start early. So far I have persuaded one of my ladies to knit. As it is over 10 years since she last picked up a pair of needles I was really pleased. Another has shown an interest, which is great news. MS can be so disabling it is great to encourage any activity which keeps people active, even if it is only their hands!
I have just finished my third scarf in two weeks, at this rate I will have quite a stash by xmas.
If anyone has odd balls of that lovely fluffy yarn I would love to receive it.
post to
Sutton & Croydon MS Centre
Bradbury House
LLoyd ave
The Mount
Has anyone tried setting up a knitting group. My local craft shop has offered to host but I don't know how to start. Any ideas?
The Green dress mentoioned in previous blog is now finished and the dance show was fantastic, even if I was biased as my daughter had a solo to perform.
Now the spring weather has finally decided to show itself I have to get out ino the garden. The only downside is the fact that if I'm in the garden I can't be knitting.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Other projects currently under way include a dance dress in green lycra for aforementioned daughter's dance showcase at school, and wall paper and paint stripping in my bedroom. If only there were more hours in the day.
Just to add to the frantic life, my cat has developed a skin condition. She has lost half the hair on her back and tail. She now ressembles a poodle after a trip to the poodle parlour! Oh well another expensive vet bill on the horizon.
I must try and get into the habit of blogging more often. I find it very therapeutic. Only problem is I can't blog and knit at the same time!