Sunday, August 06, 2006

My pets!

I thought I would show anyone out there a few photos of the annimals in my life.


The baby of the family (age 4)

The old lady (age 12)
She has to wear the collar
as she tends to lick off the
fur from her back!

The old man. (age 13)
He occasionally graces us with a visit, but doesn't appreciate being made to sit still for a photo.

The shy one.
We adopted smokey when
his owners moved to Spain.

And Finally.......................................................

The STAR of the show.....................Bat Dog

Or is it Molly the mad labrador in one of her many disguises?


Kath said...

What lovely pets! Love Bat Dog!

blog-blethers said...

lol Bat Dog had me giggling! And brilliant to see someone with a zoo on a par with our own!! We have Thelma and Louise (now nearly 6), sister cats. We didn't have them spayed in time - so also have the very handsome, Marmalade, and cat with personality disorder (he thinks he's a dog!), TJ!! We also have the gorgeous, scruffy Abbie (from the Cat and Dog Home) and, last but not least, our very own Molly (a very gentle, black spaniel-poodle cross ... who is far more beautiful than the description suggests!).