Friday, August 04, 2006

Am I really SAD

I found the two previous blog questions great fun.

Fancy being a daisy! And Chocolate Chip ice-cream.

The scarf knitting is progressing well. I now have over 25 scarves done and hope to make loads of dosh for the MS centre. Has anyone tried selling hand-knit scarves? Any idea how much to charge?

School holidays progressing well. Youngest daughter has just completed a week of fun tennis lessons. She manged to get a prize for improvement! Apparently she has gone from not being able to hit the ball to being able to! I suppose that is a big improvement. Not eactly a budding wimbledon hopeful!!!!
Older daughter has spent the week getting up late and generally chilling out on MSN!
She is off to walk the Cumbria Way next week with her youth hostel group the postellers
Am currently waiting for eldest daughter to download all my photos from my camera, then I will be able to show some of my recent knitting and sewing exploits.

Have to decide which projects to take on holiday. May take the scarf yarn and needles to knit in the car (while hubby drives!), along with the baby blanket squares for my step granddaughter. Also thining of taking some Sirdar Rio with soft cotton, in case I run out!


Artis-Anne said... have over 104 different scarf patterns if you get bored; the curly whirly one is great but does take a lot of a yarn but its simple. As to selling I haven't a clue re prices but I have Crohns disease and we have a table at our local hospital where we sell stuff , so that may be an idea. Where are you going on holiday ? I too always plan my knitting projects before I go any where it helps pass the miles away> have fun wherever you go and look forward to reading your updates

Kath said...

Hope tou have a lovely holiday - I made sure I had plenty of knitting to take away with me but have changed my mind about the pattern with one so, oh no! have had to buy more yarn to make sure I don't run out of knitting to do! Just make sure you're never too far from a yarn shop where ever you go for your holidays! Have fun!

sarah said...

We are off to Devon for our hols this year. Looking forward to a quiet week by the sea!