At long last my girls are starting to enjoy needlecraft. This was Charlie's cross stitch which she made on holiday from a kit. I know they ned frames, but I had to sneak a quick picture while she was out playing.
I had to grit my teeth while she was stitching and try hard not to criticise mistakes. I forgot how hard it is to get kids to keep the stitches all going the same way!
Next I need to get her more interested in knitting!!!
She has mastered basic knitting and seldom drops stitches, but I find it hard to keep her motivated. I need to find some basic patterns for her to try. I remember my Mum encouraging me to knit something from a pattern as soon as I had learned to knit and purl.
Then Emily decided to have a go and bought a magazine in Tavistock with a cross stitch kit attached.
She has nearly completed it without any help whatsoever. It seems to appeal to her mathematical brain.
I have tried to teach her to knit,(She can do basic knit stitch) but I find that anything complicated seems to confuse her. I think its the dyslexia and dyspraxia which prevents her mastering the kneedles!
I had a great laugh today. A great friend gave me a pressie. (I do love pressies when they come out of the blue) It was a knitting book.
But not just any knitting book.
Its a book of patterns for knitting things for dogs, yes you did read it right, dogs!
I know I am totally bonkers but I think if I started knitting for Molly my Hubby would have me locked up! I am sure that there are people out there who would knit for their pet, but I am not one of them. I did have a good laugh though and after hearing something on the radio last week about the benefits of laughter, to your health, I think I must have done myself the power of good. I may make some of the things just to amuse myself!
For now though I have to get on with the baby stuff as my stepdaughter is having braxton hicks contractions already and the midwife has predicted that Ella may come a bit early.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for posting on my blog, it was much appreciated. Just had a read through yours. I enjoyed it, a wee bit for everyone, ie knitting, gardening, cross stitching, family life etc. What a lovely family you have, and your animals! They are so gorgeous, especially that cuddly dog. Labradors are just the best! Hope everything goes well with your step daughter. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Take care
Potentially more good news very soon, Sarah ... what a fantastic week for your family and well deserved too! Love the wee cardigan you're doing for Ella at the moment - looking forward to seeing it sewn up and on the lovely wee 'model' herself! The girls have done a brilliant job with their cross stitch. Caitlin asked me to teach her to knit ... how I smiled at your account of trying not to make constructive comments! I nearly chewed my tongue off ... C seems to have a visual-spatial element to the dyslexia and combined with the dyspraxia!!! She still loves her 'scarf' though - makes her laugh each time she looks at it. I just love the fact all our girls seem not to give up in the face of adversity - what a brilliant life lesson for us all!
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