I have finished a Black Cable Jacket which I've been knitting for Emily but I can't put a photo on here yet because she hasn't seen it yet. It was a devil to knit as the cables don't show up on the black yarn.
I've used Sirdar "Click" Chunky which knits up beautifully. Hopefully she will get lots of wear out of it in North Wales. She went back to Bangor at the end of September and will be working (and playing) hard until Christmas when she's coming home for a couple of weeks.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Forever is a long time
I know I haven't been a good blogger this year, but I discovered Ravelry and it is addictive!!!!
Since February nothing has changed much. I have a few FO's which I have forgotten to photograph and a few that I have photographed, but not loaded onto the computer.
Emily has finished her first year at Uni in BAngor and is now home for the summer holidays. She has looked for work, but has been unsuccessful in finding a "proper" job so has put leaflets through doors offering to do housework, gardening, pet-sitting and various other jobs. So far she has managed to get a few hours per week. She has also started delivering Kleeneze catalogues which currently makes her a few extra pounds. I have to admire her efforts, and wish that the rewards were somehow more equal to the effort which she is exerting. This week she put out, and collected 200 catalogues and her reward was not one single order!!!! She is getting a bit despondant and I'm not surprised.
Charlie has two days left at her Primary school and is looking forward to leaving. She has not been 100% happy at school and we are hoping that High School will be better. On Friday she had her leaver's ball, which was a glorified disco. The parents of another girl had arranged a 20 seater Pink Hummer Lomo to take the girls to the ball, but it arrived an hour late so the girls missed out on their drive around the local area. The company has offered to take them out again tomorrow after school so they are being collected from school and taken for a drive.
Tonight we went to see the year 6 end of trem production of The Wizard of Oz. It was a great show and I was very proud of my "little girl" when she danced on stage as a milkmaid.
Last weekend we went to Cirencester to visit my sister. While there we enjoyed a day out at the Open air swimming pool. If you live near Cirencester and have never been it is a real gem of a place. Take a look at their website
Since February nothing has changed much. I have a few FO's which I have forgotten to photograph and a few that I have photographed, but not loaded onto the computer.
Emily has finished her first year at Uni in BAngor and is now home for the summer holidays. She has looked for work, but has been unsuccessful in finding a "proper" job so has put leaflets through doors offering to do housework, gardening, pet-sitting and various other jobs. So far she has managed to get a few hours per week. She has also started delivering Kleeneze catalogues which currently makes her a few extra pounds. I have to admire her efforts, and wish that the rewards were somehow more equal to the effort which she is exerting. This week she put out, and collected 200 catalogues and her reward was not one single order!!!! She is getting a bit despondant and I'm not surprised.
Charlie has two days left at her Primary school and is looking forward to leaving. She has not been 100% happy at school and we are hoping that High School will be better. On Friday she had her leaver's ball, which was a glorified disco. The parents of another girl had arranged a 20 seater Pink Hummer Lomo to take the girls to the ball, but it arrived an hour late so the girls missed out on their drive around the local area. The company has offered to take them out again tomorrow after school so they are being collected from school and taken for a drive.
Tonight we went to see the year 6 end of trem production of The Wizard of Oz. It was a great show and I was very proud of my "little girl" when she danced on stage as a milkmaid.
Last weekend we went to Cirencester to visit my sister. While there we enjoyed a day out at the Open air swimming pool. If you live near Cirencester and have never been it is a real gem of a place. Take a look at their website
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Snowed in
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The more it changes, the more it stays the same!
Emily has now settled in to life in Bangor and has become an independent young lady. It feels very strange as a mum to see my first born leave home and grow up. But she came home for a week last week and wreaked havoc in her room, and the rest of the house with all her stuff. She went back to Uni laden down with clean clothes and towels ready to face the next few weeks. She did however take her "baby blanket" back with her. Some things never change!
Knitting seems to be taking all of my spare time at the moment as I try to get to grips with all the WIP's I have on the needles. The list of Wip'S is nearly as long as my arm: Hat for Mum, socks for step-brother, gilet for niece, socks for Emily, baby clothes for a friend, scarf for aunt. And that is just christmas pressies. There is also a cardigan for me and some more socks for me.
No time for blogging, but hopefully that will change soon.
Emily has now settled in to life in Bangor and has become an independent young lady. It feels very strange as a mum to see my first born leave home and grow up. But she came home for a week last week and wreaked havoc in her room, and the rest of the house with all her stuff. She went back to Uni laden down with clean clothes and towels ready to face the next few weeks. She did however take her "baby blanket" back with her. Some things never change!
Knitting seems to be taking all of my spare time at the moment as I try to get to grips with all the WIP's I have on the needles. The list of Wip'S is nearly as long as my arm: Hat for Mum, socks for step-brother, gilet for niece, socks for Emily, baby clothes for a friend, scarf for aunt. And that is just christmas pressies. There is also a cardigan for me and some more socks for me.
No time for blogging, but hopefully that will change soon.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I cast on my stitches at 8mins past one (BST) on 08:08:08 in the car on the motorway on the journey to Skipton. As we left here at 9am this meant a few hours of wasted knitting time sat in the passenger seat of the car.
The photo shows the progress made by the time we reached Skipton, and was taken during a visit to a local pub.

We then travelled North to Beattock where we spent 9 days enjoying the delights of Southern Scotland.
I knitted quite a lot during the week as the weather was disappointingly wet, and we spent a lot of time in the car travelling between local towns and villages. I even managed a 3 hour knit while Mike and the kids were cycling down through the forest of Ae. There just happened to be a very nice coffee shop at the end of the cycle ride!!! (I was not able to cycle with them due to a bulging Lumbar disc, such a shame as I would have loved to join them in getting soaked to the skin and very muddy. My 3 hours knitting in a nice warm dry coffee shop just doesn't compare!!!)
Cast off and sewn up by 7.09pm on 14:08:08 ( I only know the time because it was recorded on the camera, I don't usually notice what time I finish things)
The photo shows the progress made by the time we reached Skipton, and was taken during a visit to a local pub.
We then travelled North to Beattock where we spent 9 days enjoying the delights of Southern Scotland.
I knitted quite a lot during the week as the weather was disappointingly wet, and we spent a lot of time in the car travelling between local towns and villages. I even managed a 3 hour knit while Mike and the kids were cycling down through the forest of Ae. There just happened to be a very nice coffee shop at the end of the cycle ride!!! (I was not able to cycle with them due to a bulging Lumbar disc, such a shame as I would have loved to join them in getting soaked to the skin and very muddy. My 3 hours knitting in a nice warm dry coffee shop just doesn't compare!!!)
Cast off and sewn up by 7.09pm on 14:08:08 ( I only know the time because it was recorded on the camera, I don't usually notice what time I finish things)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Long Time No Blog
I haven't been on here for such a long time as I just didn't have much to write about.
I have entered the ravelympics and will be competing in the baby dressage section and will be making a layette for the daughter of a friend who is expecting her first baby in March next year.
I have entered the ravelympics and will be competing in the baby dressage section and will be making a layette for the daughter of a friend who is expecting her first baby in March next year.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Cycling for Charity
On Sunday Charlie will be cycling 12 1/2 miles to raise money for the MS centre where I work and the RNLI.
Hopefully she will raise loads of sponsorship as she will have to work hard to get round the route. I was going to cycle with her, but due to a back injury I am no longer able to so Emily has volunteered to go with her as her responsible adult.
Good luck to both my girls.
If you felt you were able to sponsor CHarlie please check out her fundraising page on my side-bar.
Mike and I will be working hard before during and after the event as we are helping with the admin and health and safety of the riders. I will also be a marshall on the day, and Mike is in overall charge of the event on the day.
At last I am able to sit almost comfortably and do some knitting. I have finished a pair of socks in Tofutsies and started another pair using Fyberspates sock yarn. I love the Fyberspates and as I made my first pair of socks with this yarn it brings back the joy of making the first pair.
I have recently become an assistant Guider for the 14th Coulsdon Guides (I am already assistant Guider with the Rainbows) and next weekend we are off to camp. I am First Aider on camp, so I am hoping for a dry week with not too much sunshine!
I'm also in charge of craft activities on camp. This year the theme is Pirates so I have been collecting ideas from the internet. I have come up with some great ideas including Hama bead coasters with glow in the dark skull and cross bones, Beaded phone charms, ship in a bottle, pirate bandanas, eye patches and t-shirts. Hopefully we will have enough to keep the girls busy! I will take photos of the craft projects as they are made and jhopefully post them on here when we get back.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
The final Port in a Storm.
Here you can see the captain and first mate enjoying a well earned rest after our walk to Osborne House (and back).

Heres the able seaman in her coordinating fleece and crocs!

And as a "happy" pirate at the helm.

Tuesday dawned bright and sunny and so the crew aboard Volante set sail towards The Needles. After the fairly strong wind coming across to Cowes on Sunday we were surprised to find there was absolutely NO WIND. It was like the film title DEAD CALM!!!
We tried putting the sails up, but they hung limply and so we used the tidal current to drift along the solent towards Alum Bay.
Charlie took the opportunity of perfecting her Titanic impression by leaning over the bow of the boat with her arms outstretched. You can see how calm the water is, there is hardly a ripple to be seen.

We had lunch anchored off Alum bay, watching the holiday makers going up and down the cliffs in the cable-cars and taking boat trips around the needles. Gradually the wind started to pick up so we headed into Yarmouth. Little did we know at this point that we were about to be storm bound in Yarmouth, but that is yet to happen so on with the story.
Wednesday it was decided by a unanimous vote that we would spend the day ashore and would go for a walk around the coastal path, then inland to a pub at the head of the river Yar for lunch, and then back to Yarmouth via the river walk which follows the route of an old railway.
The weather was glorious and we were soon strolling along in T-shirts with our fleeces tied round our middles. We stopped for a short time to browse the scenery along the route, and then to browse a charity shop (where a little bit of shopping took place) arriving at the pub (no name given to protect the identity of the staff) at 1.55pm, to be informed that they had stopped serving lunches. We asked very nicely if they could possibly do a few rounds of sandwiches, to which the reply was..."they've packed everything away in the kitchen". So with very empty tummies we headed back to Yarmouth where we ate a fantastic meal in THE BUGLE public house.
By the time we made it back on board the wind was picking up again and we settled down for the night oblivious of what was to come.
Thursday morning dawned beautifully sunny, BUT.......... The wind was howling through the harbour. The Captain thought it wouldn't be too bad at sea so we started to get ready to sail. Then we watched the ferry to Lymington leave the harbour and promptly get swamped on the fore-deck by the waves. The Captain finally agreed tha there was no way we were going out in that so we stayed on board foer the day catching up with some of the household tasks like cleaning and fixing the pump on the toilet.
Sue and Andy (quartermaster and first mate) abandoned ship and took a bus ride around the Isle of Wight.
After listening closely to weather forecasts all day we finally hit the sack prepared for a repeat of the same conditions on Friday.
Friday morning was worse than Thursday and we entertained ourselves as best we could (I had my sock to keep me company!) but at about 4pm the wind dropped and we made the decision to run to Cowes so that if we were stuck Andy and Sue could at least get to Ryde and from there get a ferry back to Portsmouth! By the time we rounded the corner at Cowes the wind was blowing us about again and the waves were making it quite uncomfortable so we were very relieved to get into the safer waters of the Medina estuary.We motored up the river to THE FOLLY INN where we found a mooring and then spent a very enjoyable evening ashore sampling the delightful menu at the Folly Inn.
As soon as we were up on Saturday we headed back towards Cowes to see what the sea state was like.
It was raining heavily and the Captain and First mate were well prepared.

Fortunately the sea was moderate (waves only about 2ft high) and so we motored back to Portsmouth while the going was good!!
Back on dry land we said our goodbyes to the Quartermaster and temporary First Mate and headed home fully intending to get something to eat on the way!!!
But like all good plans this also backfired. We stopped at Sainsburys only to find that the menu was very restricted and there was nothing worth having. When we got outside the store there was a stall demonstrating Schwartz spices and so we had a couple of sample pots each to stave off the hunger pangs.
Guildford and Burger KIng beckoned, so off we went only to find they were closed for refurbishment!! Thus we ended our voyage at the Fish and Chip shop up the road from our house! (And very good they were too)
Heres the able seaman in her coordinating fleece and crocs!
And as a "happy" pirate at the helm.
Tuesday dawned bright and sunny and so the crew aboard Volante set sail towards The Needles. After the fairly strong wind coming across to Cowes on Sunday we were surprised to find there was absolutely NO WIND. It was like the film title DEAD CALM!!!
We tried putting the sails up, but they hung limply and so we used the tidal current to drift along the solent towards Alum Bay.
Charlie took the opportunity of perfecting her Titanic impression by leaning over the bow of the boat with her arms outstretched. You can see how calm the water is, there is hardly a ripple to be seen.
We had lunch anchored off Alum bay, watching the holiday makers going up and down the cliffs in the cable-cars and taking boat trips around the needles. Gradually the wind started to pick up so we headed into Yarmouth. Little did we know at this point that we were about to be storm bound in Yarmouth, but that is yet to happen so on with the story.
Wednesday it was decided by a unanimous vote that we would spend the day ashore and would go for a walk around the coastal path, then inland to a pub at the head of the river Yar for lunch, and then back to Yarmouth via the river walk which follows the route of an old railway.
The weather was glorious and we were soon strolling along in T-shirts with our fleeces tied round our middles. We stopped for a short time to browse the scenery along the route, and then to browse a charity shop (where a little bit of shopping took place) arriving at the pub (no name given to protect the identity of the staff) at 1.55pm, to be informed that they had stopped serving lunches. We asked very nicely if they could possibly do a few rounds of sandwiches, to which the reply was..."they've packed everything away in the kitchen". So with very empty tummies we headed back to Yarmouth where we ate a fantastic meal in THE BUGLE public house.
By the time we made it back on board the wind was picking up again and we settled down for the night oblivious of what was to come.
Thursday morning dawned beautifully sunny, BUT.......... The wind was howling through the harbour. The Captain thought it wouldn't be too bad at sea so we started to get ready to sail. Then we watched the ferry to Lymington leave the harbour and promptly get swamped on the fore-deck by the waves. The Captain finally agreed tha there was no way we were going out in that so we stayed on board foer the day catching up with some of the household tasks like cleaning and fixing the pump on the toilet.
Sue and Andy (quartermaster and first mate) abandoned ship and took a bus ride around the Isle of Wight.
After listening closely to weather forecasts all day we finally hit the sack prepared for a repeat of the same conditions on Friday.
Friday morning was worse than Thursday and we entertained ourselves as best we could (I had my sock to keep me company!) but at about 4pm the wind dropped and we made the decision to run to Cowes so that if we were stuck Andy and Sue could at least get to Ryde and from there get a ferry back to Portsmouth! By the time we rounded the corner at Cowes the wind was blowing us about again and the waves were making it quite uncomfortable so we were very relieved to get into the safer waters of the Medina estuary.We motored up the river to THE FOLLY INN where we found a mooring and then spent a very enjoyable evening ashore sampling the delightful menu at the Folly Inn.
As soon as we were up on Saturday we headed back towards Cowes to see what the sea state was like.
It was raining heavily and the Captain and First mate were well prepared.
Fortunately the sea was moderate (waves only about 2ft high) and so we motored back to Portsmouth while the going was good!!
Back on dry land we said our goodbyes to the Quartermaster and temporary First Mate and headed home fully intending to get something to eat on the way!!!
But like all good plans this also backfired. We stopped at Sainsburys only to find that the menu was very restricted and there was nothing worth having. When we got outside the store there was a stall demonstrating Schwartz spices and so we had a couple of sample pots each to stave off the hunger pangs.
Guildford and Burger KIng beckoned, so off we went only to find they were closed for refurbishment!! Thus we ended our voyage at the Fish and Chip shop up the road from our house! (And very good they were too)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
socks and storms (part 2)
The sun refused to shine on us on that Sunday, but inspite of this we set off for Cowes on the Isle of Wight. My stomach was turning somersaults and I was also trying to reassure Charlie that nothing will go wrong. (She has had a few unfortunate experiences on the boat).
Our guests, Sue and Andy, were oblivious of mine and Charlie's nerves and had a great time on board. Once we were sailing my stomach settled a bit and Charlie and I started to sing all the sea based songs we could think of. Our favourite goes something like this:
When I was one
I sucked my thumb
The day I went to sea,
I climbed aboard a pirate ship
And the Captain said to me,
We're going this way, that way,
Forwards and backwards
Over the Irish sea,
A bottle of rum
To fill my tum
And that's the life for me!
When I was two
I tied my shoe
The day I went to sea
and so on for as long as you can make up numerical rhymes!!
This kept Charlie busy for quite a while and then we moved onto other songs like Drunken sailor and stuff like that.
Eventually we arrived in Cowes and tied the boat up in a Marina in West Cowes. For those among you who have never visited the Isle of Wight and have only heard of the Cowes Yacht races the place is very small, and W. Cowes is very much dedicated to the Yuppie Yachties! Lots of overpriced yachtie shops selling overpriced clothes you would never wear anywhere else!! While Sue and Andy went out to discover Cowes, and track down a loaf of bread and a bottle of Worcestershire Sauce, I settled down for a nap. My sciatic nerve by now was driving me up the wall (or the sides of the boat) and i needed to lie down for a bit. Mike and Charlie also went out for a walk and before long were back to disturb my sleep.
We had a feast of Corned beef hash that night, washed down once again with plenty of liquid refreshment.
Monday dawned bright and cheerful and we put on our walking shoes and headed off to East Cowes via the chain ferry. This old fashioned form of transport is free to foot passengers (unbelievable in these penny pinching times)and takes a couple of minutes to cross the river Medina. While we were waiting to board the ferry my mobile phone rang. It was Emily, who we had left at home, ringing to say she had a puncture.
(some background info needed here; Emily stayed at home as she has a part time job at a local leisure centre and didn't want to spend her hols on a crowded boat. She passed her driving test in March and has yet to drive on the motorway by herself. She had agreed to visit Mike's dad in Maidstone, to do his shopping and to check up on his welfare. This involved driving for 45miles on A roads. After driving all that way she couldn't get in as he had double locked the front door. She rang me 3 times before she got there and eventually got in, put away the shopping and then left to drive back as she had to go to work. It was just after she left that she had the puncture, and she had never changed a wheel before.)
It was quite entertaining listening to Mike trying to explain what Emily had to do, especially as she didn't know where to start. She didn't know what the jack was or the tyre lever! 5 phone calls later (each one involving the next bit of info) she told us that someone had stopped to help her. About time too as far as I was concerned! The knight in shining armour had driven past, gone into the petrol station about 100m up the road, and had seen Emily still struggling when he came out and so had offered to help. He was shocked by how many people had driven past her and not offered any assistance. It makes my blood boil to think that no-one will stop to help a young lady in distress these days!
By now we were well on our way up the hill in E. Cowes on route to Osborne house.
Wow, what a fantastic place. It was built by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (not literally you understand) as a holiday retreat. It is a beautiful house and the gardens are beautiful, even in April during a rain shower. It has a Swiss cottage in the garden built for the royal children to learn household chores such as cooking cleaning and serving meals to their parents. There is also a minature fort with minature cannons where the children could play.
Having visited the house we were ravenous, but the prices in the English Heritage cafe were extortionate and so we decided to eat when we got back to Cowes.
Hence we ended up having a pub meal in Cowes that evening. Then it was back to the boat for a much needed lie down (for my back) and an evening of chat!
To be continued..............
Our guests, Sue and Andy, were oblivious of mine and Charlie's nerves and had a great time on board. Once we were sailing my stomach settled a bit and Charlie and I started to sing all the sea based songs we could think of. Our favourite goes something like this:
When I was one
I sucked my thumb
The day I went to sea,
I climbed aboard a pirate ship
And the Captain said to me,
We're going this way, that way,
Forwards and backwards
Over the Irish sea,
A bottle of rum
To fill my tum
And that's the life for me!
When I was two
I tied my shoe
The day I went to sea
and so on for as long as you can make up numerical rhymes!!
This kept Charlie busy for quite a while and then we moved onto other songs like Drunken sailor and stuff like that.
Eventually we arrived in Cowes and tied the boat up in a Marina in West Cowes. For those among you who have never visited the Isle of Wight and have only heard of the Cowes Yacht races the place is very small, and W. Cowes is very much dedicated to the Yuppie Yachties! Lots of overpriced yachtie shops selling overpriced clothes you would never wear anywhere else!! While Sue and Andy went out to discover Cowes, and track down a loaf of bread and a bottle of Worcestershire Sauce, I settled down for a nap. My sciatic nerve by now was driving me up the wall (or the sides of the boat) and i needed to lie down for a bit. Mike and Charlie also went out for a walk and before long were back to disturb my sleep.
We had a feast of Corned beef hash that night, washed down once again with plenty of liquid refreshment.
Monday dawned bright and cheerful and we put on our walking shoes and headed off to East Cowes via the chain ferry. This old fashioned form of transport is free to foot passengers (unbelievable in these penny pinching times)and takes a couple of minutes to cross the river Medina. While we were waiting to board the ferry my mobile phone rang. It was Emily, who we had left at home, ringing to say she had a puncture.
(some background info needed here; Emily stayed at home as she has a part time job at a local leisure centre and didn't want to spend her hols on a crowded boat. She passed her driving test in March and has yet to drive on the motorway by herself. She had agreed to visit Mike's dad in Maidstone, to do his shopping and to check up on his welfare. This involved driving for 45miles on A roads. After driving all that way she couldn't get in as he had double locked the front door. She rang me 3 times before she got there and eventually got in, put away the shopping and then left to drive back as she had to go to work. It was just after she left that she had the puncture, and she had never changed a wheel before.)
It was quite entertaining listening to Mike trying to explain what Emily had to do, especially as she didn't know where to start. She didn't know what the jack was or the tyre lever! 5 phone calls later (each one involving the next bit of info) she told us that someone had stopped to help her. About time too as far as I was concerned! The knight in shining armour had driven past, gone into the petrol station about 100m up the road, and had seen Emily still struggling when he came out and so had offered to help. He was shocked by how many people had driven past her and not offered any assistance. It makes my blood boil to think that no-one will stop to help a young lady in distress these days!
By now we were well on our way up the hill in E. Cowes on route to Osborne house.
Wow, what a fantastic place. It was built by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (not literally you understand) as a holiday retreat. It is a beautiful house and the gardens are beautiful, even in April during a rain shower. It has a Swiss cottage in the garden built for the royal children to learn household chores such as cooking cleaning and serving meals to their parents. There is also a minature fort with minature cannons where the children could play.
Having visited the house we were ravenous, but the prices in the English Heritage cafe were extortionate and so we decided to eat when we got back to Cowes.
Hence we ended up having a pub meal in Cowes that evening. Then it was back to the boat for a much needed lie down (for my back) and an evening of chat!
To be continued..............
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Socks and Storms
We made it back from the Isle of Wight after being storm bound on our little boat in Yarmouth for 2 days. Other than time to knit socks it was an uncomfortable few days and nights.
Our holiday started on Friday 11th April with long delays on the M25 and A3. This meant that we arrived in Gosport later than expected and had only just moved the boat to a convenient mooring before our friends from "The North" arrived with enough "STUFF" to fill our poor little boat to the brim. I am restricted to one holdall of clothes and a small bag of knitting when we go away. Although I always manage to sneak a little extra yarn into my bag (just in case)!
Once the boat had been filled, we enjoyed a liesurely evening meal on board washed down with plenty of liquid! I'm glad there were no people on the boats alongside us as we made plenty of noise chatting and laughing as we had much to catch up on since we last met just before christmas.
Saturday was spent stocking up on essential foodstuffs and gas to prepare for our trip. Andy and Sue are complete sailing novices so we gave them some basic sailing lessons in the marina. The weather was unpredictable and was changing from sun to torrential rain in minutes.
On Sunday we were ready to set off. Sue had taken her travel sickness tablets and the ginger biscuits were ready. Life-jackets were donned and sock knitting put safely in a side locker.
to be continued.....
Our holiday started on Friday 11th April with long delays on the M25 and A3. This meant that we arrived in Gosport later than expected and had only just moved the boat to a convenient mooring before our friends from "The North" arrived with enough "STUFF" to fill our poor little boat to the brim. I am restricted to one holdall of clothes and a small bag of knitting when we go away. Although I always manage to sneak a little extra yarn into my bag (just in case)!
Once the boat had been filled, we enjoyed a liesurely evening meal on board washed down with plenty of liquid! I'm glad there were no people on the boats alongside us as we made plenty of noise chatting and laughing as we had much to catch up on since we last met just before christmas.
Saturday was spent stocking up on essential foodstuffs and gas to prepare for our trip. Andy and Sue are complete sailing novices so we gave them some basic sailing lessons in the marina. The weather was unpredictable and was changing from sun to torrential rain in minutes.
On Sunday we were ready to set off. Sue had taken her travel sickness tablets and the ginger biscuits were ready. Life-jackets were donned and sock knitting put safely in a side locker.
to be continued.....
Monday, April 07, 2008
Snow in April
This is the view from my house on Sunday morning.
Front door

Back door

And we had to make the most of it as Charlie has never been sledging in all her 9 1/2 years!!!

The afternoon was spent relaxing in front of the log fire as we had been to the Blue Planet LIve concert at Wembley on Saturday evening.
Wow, what an experience. They showed video footge from the BBC Blue Planet programme accompanied by the BBC Concert Orchestra.
Front door
Back door
And we had to make the most of it as Charlie has never been sledging in all her 9 1/2 years!!!
The afternoon was spent relaxing in front of the log fire as we had been to the Blue Planet LIve concert at Wembley on Saturday evening.
Wow, what an experience. They showed video footge from the BBC Blue Planet programme accompanied by the BBC Concert Orchestra.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
60's revisited
Charlie came home from school yesterday and announced she needed something to wear to sixties night at Guides!
So one length of spare fabric , some bright orange bias binding, a red zip and a couple of hours later I came up with this. She was absolutely thrilled.

Tonight we are off to see The Blue Planet Live show at Wembley Arena. I'm really looking forward to it.
So one length of spare fabric , some bright orange bias binding, a red zip and a couple of hours later I came up with this. She was absolutely thrilled.
Tonight we are off to see The Blue Planet Live show at Wembley Arena. I'm really looking forward to it.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Not exactly portable knitting!
I went to Olympia yesterday and I saw these needles and just had to have a go! I bought them from here

Here is my first go at knitting with them using 12 strands of various colours of acrylic yarns. I am making a blanket/throw for Charlie's bed.

And here it is next to my sock!

And lastly to give you an idea of scale next to a 4mm brittany birch needle measuring 28cm end to tip!
I enjoyed my day out at Olympia although I find the ammount of knitting stalls is always a little disappointing. I did make good use of my day with a few well chosen purchases. Obviously the extreme needles are a big hit, but I also bought some yarn. 4 balls of unknown German sock yarn, and 20 balls of Jaeger Roma in colourway 014:Lavender.
I also bought craft paper for Charlie to use in her card making, and a Japanese braiding kit from here. I am going to use the idea with the Girlguides while we are on camp in May.
Easter weekend saw us visiting the Grandchildren in Hastings and here is a rare photo of myself and Ella.
Here is my first go at knitting with them using 12 strands of various colours of acrylic yarns. I am making a blanket/throw for Charlie's bed.
And here it is next to my sock!
And lastly to give you an idea of scale next to a 4mm brittany birch needle measuring 28cm end to tip!
I enjoyed my day out at Olympia although I find the ammount of knitting stalls is always a little disappointing. I did make good use of my day with a few well chosen purchases. Obviously the extreme needles are a big hit, but I also bought some yarn. 4 balls of unknown German sock yarn, and 20 balls of Jaeger Roma in colourway 014:Lavender.
I also bought craft paper for Charlie to use in her card making, and a Japanese braiding kit from here. I am going to use the idea with the Girlguides while we are on camp in May.
Easter weekend saw us visiting the Grandchildren in Hastings and here is a rare photo of myself and Ella.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Proud Moment
I must be the proudest Mum in the London Borough of Croydon! The show at the Fairfield halls tonight was amazing, and we had seats in just the right place to be able to see Charlie clearly all the way through. They performed a special piece written for them by a local composer based on recycling, animal conservation and saving the planet. Then at the end they did a medly of songs within the theme of heroes, including some Bond themes and some Andrew Lloyd Webber stuff. It was amazing to hear (and see)over 500 kids singing together and enjoying every minute. It brought tears to my eyes.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Didn't we have a lovely time
the day we went to Bangor.

We travelled to North Wales on Friday to vist the University. It took ages to get there due to lots of other people driving cars, vans and lorries up the M6. How dare they be on the road at the same time as us! Add to that a number of incidents on the roads it took us 7 hours to get there ( with two short "facilities" stops along the way).
We arrived at the Youth Hostel 5 minutes too late to have dinner, so went into Bangor to find an eating place for some fast food.
After a sleepless night we got up and DH dropped Em & I in Bangor before he and Charlie headed off to drive through the mountains. We walked through the city centre before heading up the hill to the University. Unfortunately we had the wrong site, but were directed to the right site by a very friendly security person. It was only a 25minute walk (or stagger) to the right place and we got there in good time. We were then treated to a very pleasant buffet lunch followed by an entertaining introductory talk about Bangor University School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science. Then we went on a bus tour of the city ending up at the Halls of Residence. Many of the Halls at Bangor are in the process of being updated and those we were shown were much better than were available when I was looking at Uni's 20+ years ago! It was then back on the bus to the Sport science block where we were shown around the laboratories. What amazing equipment they had.
The afternoon ended with us having a chance to discuss any questions we might have with some of the staff. We were able to find out more about the dyslexia services at Bangor, and the qualifications obtainable during the 3 years at Uni.
Then we were picked up by the "Mountain" climbers and we drove back to the Youth Hostel to watch the Wales / france Rugby match. It was a thrilling match with a fantastic final score! (Wales won-of course) By now we were ravenous and so made a dash in the car to Llanberis where we enjoyed a good nosh at Pete's Eats. This well known Cafe ( well known among walkers) does a realy mean plate of Chilli & Chips, which went down really well after a hard day visiting the Uni.
Sunday morning saw us packing up and heading for home. We took the scenic route back via the A5 and saw the snow on top of the mountains. Once we were on the motorway however we had a reasonable journey home.
The back caused quite a lot of discomfort during the weekend and I was relieved not to be doing the driving. This also gave me a chance to do a little bit of knitting in the car on the way home. When I wasn't "high" on painkillers I managed to complete 1/2 a sock. I have used the basic Fyberspates pattern which came with my first purchase of sock yarn, and which I have used for every sock I have knitteed so far, but adapted it to knit a basic lace pattern on the sock. (Photo to follow)
I went into work this morning for a couple of hours to get back into the swing of things. It was Ok, and I was so pleased to see all my friends. The last month at home has been terribly boring and lonely. Thank goodness for the internet. I have spent many happy hours reading other peoples blogs. Thankyou to all those knitting bloggers out there who have kept me sane over the past month.

We travelled to North Wales on Friday to vist the University. It took ages to get there due to lots of other people driving cars, vans and lorries up the M6. How dare they be on the road at the same time as us! Add to that a number of incidents on the roads it took us 7 hours to get there ( with two short "facilities" stops along the way).
We arrived at the Youth Hostel 5 minutes too late to have dinner, so went into Bangor to find an eating place for some fast food.
After a sleepless night we got up and DH dropped Em & I in Bangor before he and Charlie headed off to drive through the mountains. We walked through the city centre before heading up the hill to the University. Unfortunately we had the wrong site, but were directed to the right site by a very friendly security person. It was only a 25minute walk (or stagger) to the right place and we got there in good time. We were then treated to a very pleasant buffet lunch followed by an entertaining introductory talk about Bangor University School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science. Then we went on a bus tour of the city ending up at the Halls of Residence. Many of the Halls at Bangor are in the process of being updated and those we were shown were much better than were available when I was looking at Uni's 20+ years ago! It was then back on the bus to the Sport science block where we were shown around the laboratories. What amazing equipment they had.
The afternoon ended with us having a chance to discuss any questions we might have with some of the staff. We were able to find out more about the dyslexia services at Bangor, and the qualifications obtainable during the 3 years at Uni.
Then we were picked up by the "Mountain" climbers and we drove back to the Youth Hostel to watch the Wales / france Rugby match. It was a thrilling match with a fantastic final score! (Wales won-of course) By now we were ravenous and so made a dash in the car to Llanberis where we enjoyed a good nosh at Pete's Eats. This well known Cafe ( well known among walkers) does a realy mean plate of Chilli & Chips, which went down really well after a hard day visiting the Uni.
Sunday morning saw us packing up and heading for home. We took the scenic route back via the A5 and saw the snow on top of the mountains. Once we were on the motorway however we had a reasonable journey home.
The back caused quite a lot of discomfort during the weekend and I was relieved not to be doing the driving. This also gave me a chance to do a little bit of knitting in the car on the way home. When I wasn't "high" on painkillers I managed to complete 1/2 a sock. I have used the basic Fyberspates pattern which came with my first purchase of sock yarn, and which I have used for every sock I have knitteed so far, but adapted it to knit a basic lace pattern on the sock. (Photo to follow)
I went into work this morning for a couple of hours to get back into the swing of things. It was Ok, and I was so pleased to see all my friends. The last month at home has been terribly boring and lonely. Thank goodness for the internet. I have spent many happy hours reading other peoples blogs. Thankyou to all those knitting bloggers out there who have kept me sane over the past month.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Golf birthday cake
I have just got round to loading this picture onto the lap-top. I baked it and decorated it for my husband to celebrate his 60th birthday in February.
It was fun to make and decorate. I haven't made a "Proper" birthday cake for years. In the past I have created all sorts of things from sponge, including the Thunderbirds Tracey Island, Thomas the Tank engine, Postman pat's van and even a severed hand!! If I can find the photographic evidence I will try and scan it into the computer(but don't hold your breath)
Having just looked back over some of my previous posts I realise I never admitted what happened to the silky look cardigan I was making over Christmas. Well, it is now on the frogging pile as it was wider than it was long, and although I am a little on the plus size it swamps me.
I also have to admit to another purchase. (must keep it quiet as hubby doesn't know about it ) I was in Hobbycraft in Maidstone on Tuesday and they had some Rowan DK yarn 1/2 price. Well you can't miss an oportunity like that can you? I bought a few balls, enough to knit a long waistcoat, and so my stash keeps growing. At this rate, if I live to be a hundred I will never run out of yarn!
I have just made another e-bay purchase, Not for me this time. Mike had his eye on a dinghy to use to get onto his boat. He currently uses an inflatable which is great to use occasionally but is not big enough to transfer gear and bodies from "shore to ship" and vice versa. We are now the proud owners of a solid dinghy and outboard motor. Now we have to name her! The big boat is called VOLANTE and the inflatable is called the MOODY MOLLY (named after the make of the big boat and our dog!) The new dinghy now needs a wacky name. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
knitting upside down
Knitting flat on your back is difficult, but not impossible. I have just finished a pair of socks knit using some yarn I bought on E-bay from Angels and Elephants, colourway Candy Floss. I conquered the second sock syndrome by knitting both at the same time on two sets of DPN's. I.ve now cast on another pair using Regia 4py.I tried to do some of my Freedom spirit cardigan but this was too heavy to handle upside down!
I made some purchases on Amazon last week, including Mason Dixon Knitting which I promised myself ages ago but never got round to buying. I also bougt Yarn Harlot by Stephanie Pearl McPhee and The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood. I am thoroughly enjoying The Knitting Circle.
Emily passed her driving test two weeks ago and since then I haven't seen much of my car. At least I can't drive it myself at the moment so it's working out OK. She is currently looking to buy herself a car and spends a lot of time on the internet researching diffferent makes and models.
I made some purchases on Amazon last week, including Mason Dixon Knitting which I promised myself ages ago but never got round to buying. I also bougt Yarn Harlot by Stephanie Pearl McPhee and The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood. I am thoroughly enjoying The Knitting Circle.
Emily passed her driving test two weeks ago and since then I haven't seen much of my car. At least I can't drive it myself at the moment so it's working out OK. She is currently looking to buy herself a car and spends a lot of time on the internet researching diffferent makes and models.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Self pity is not good
I'm lying on my back with the laptop propped up on a cushion to enable me to type. I seem to have a bulging vertebral disc in the Lumbar region which is pressing on my sciatic nerve. Movement of any kind is excruciating and I don't cope well with pain. This morning got lost in a blur of tears and sleep and now I am just lying here feeling sorry for myself.
Yesterday was hubby's 60th birthday and we had all the family round for dinner. Daughter 1, son in law, 2 grandchildren, Son, son's fiancee, Daughter 2 and Daughter 3. With hubby and I that made 10 round the table. It was great fun although I am paying for it today!
The birthday boy was delighted with his cherished number pates for his car( I was having doubts up until the last minute that he wouldn't like them). Just got to get to the DVLA to re-register the car so that he can put the new plates on. He also got some lovely photos of the Grandchildren in a frame, this will go on the wall as soon as I can get a hook for the picture rail.
Knitting has been non existant this week as i can't manage it lying flat on my back. Before I was in this predicament I had just frogged the back of my Freedom Spirit cardigan as I had mis-read the instructions. Happy was not my middle name!!!
I will post some photos as soon as I can reach the cupboard with the camera leads in as I can't download the photos onto the lap-top at the moment.
Yesterday was hubby's 60th birthday and we had all the family round for dinner. Daughter 1, son in law, 2 grandchildren, Son, son's fiancee, Daughter 2 and Daughter 3. With hubby and I that made 10 round the table. It was great fun although I am paying for it today!
The birthday boy was delighted with his cherished number pates for his car( I was having doubts up until the last minute that he wouldn't like them). Just got to get to the DVLA to re-register the car so that he can put the new plates on. He also got some lovely photos of the Grandchildren in a frame, this will go on the wall as soon as I can get a hook for the picture rail.
Knitting has been non existant this week as i can't manage it lying flat on my back. Before I was in this predicament I had just frogged the back of my Freedom Spirit cardigan as I had mis-read the instructions. Happy was not my middle name!!!
I will post some photos as soon as I can reach the cupboard with the camera leads in as I can't download the photos onto the lap-top at the moment.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A great site to visit
Fluffyknitter is having a competition to celebrate her Blogiversary and if you go there mention my blog.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Our own little Christmas Elf.

Grandaughter Ella had great fun wearing an elf hat.
She is growing up so quickly and it doesn't seem like a year since we celebrated her first Christmas.
A finished object at last

I finished this in Peru Naturals (Machu Pichu) just in time for christmas, although it has taken me this long to put the picture up on the blog.
This month is my Hubby's 60th birthday and I have bought him a personalised number plate for his beloved GOLF. I took a long time thinking of what to do for his birthday as he is really difficult to buy for, and doesn't want a party. The kids are chipping in to pay for it, so I hope he is going to like it.
Half term is fast approaching and Em and I are off to Bangor to look round the University. She has been offered a conditional place there so we thought we better go and take a look. I am not looking forward to the long drive up there, but we are making a short holiday of the trip by staying a couple of nights in a travelodge.
I finished and sent off two hats for the BISS campaign, but forgot to take a photo before I posted them. Now I'm about to start a crossover cardigan in Twilleys Freedom Spirit which I bought at Sandown Park in January. I was very disappointed in the knitting (or lack of )stalls at Sandown Park, and am hoping that Olympia in March will be better. I have nothing against card craft, but when the majority of the stalls are catering for one type of craft it is hard on those who participate in other crafts. Also there were a large number of non craft stalls.
What are you doing on 29th February?
I will be taking part in the first World Knitting and stitching day. Want to know more? visit Stitchlinks to find out what is going on.
I am going to IKnit London to indulge myself in some yarn based retail therapy, and am then going to enjoy an evening of knitting while watching a Dvd of my choice.
Training has now started for the Black Horse Bike Ride in May and Charlie is already collecting sponsorship via her webpage. Please take a look and see what she is up to.
Grandaughter Ella had great fun wearing an elf hat.
She is growing up so quickly and it doesn't seem like a year since we celebrated her first Christmas.
A finished object at last
I finished this in Peru Naturals (Machu Pichu) just in time for christmas, although it has taken me this long to put the picture up on the blog.
This month is my Hubby's 60th birthday and I have bought him a personalised number plate for his beloved GOLF. I took a long time thinking of what to do for his birthday as he is really difficult to buy for, and doesn't want a party. The kids are chipping in to pay for it, so I hope he is going to like it.
Half term is fast approaching and Em and I are off to Bangor to look round the University. She has been offered a conditional place there so we thought we better go and take a look. I am not looking forward to the long drive up there, but we are making a short holiday of the trip by staying a couple of nights in a travelodge.
I finished and sent off two hats for the BISS campaign, but forgot to take a photo before I posted them. Now I'm about to start a crossover cardigan in Twilleys Freedom Spirit which I bought at Sandown Park in January. I was very disappointed in the knitting (or lack of )stalls at Sandown Park, and am hoping that Olympia in March will be better. I have nothing against card craft, but when the majority of the stalls are catering for one type of craft it is hard on those who participate in other crafts. Also there were a large number of non craft stalls.
What are you doing on 29th February?
I will be taking part in the first World Knitting and stitching day. Want to know more? visit Stitchlinks to find out what is going on.
I am going to IKnit London to indulge myself in some yarn based retail therapy, and am then going to enjoy an evening of knitting while watching a Dvd of my choice.
Training has now started for the Black Horse Bike Ride in May and Charlie is already collecting sponsorship via her webpage. Please take a look and see what she is up to.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I took part in my first proper protest demonstration this morning. I don't usually get involved in direct protesting, prefering to use the power of word via letters or e-mail. Well today I felt I needed to join with other parents and local residents to support the blocking of a phone mast being errected within 20m of my daughters primary school. For more info see www.radioaction.co.uk
Now I am relaxing with my knitting. Current WIP's include the Golden Goddess cardigan from Issue 36 of Simply Knitting. I am making it in Sirdar's Silky Look, which is knitting up beautifully in colourway Coffee and Cream. Also a pair of aocks using Regia Bamboo Colour. This is amazing stuff which is similar in feel to cotton. The muted colours blende to create a very interesting effect.
Finished projects include a baby blanket, a Harry Potter hat and scarf and a fluffy scarf for a friends 11yr old daugher.
Charity knitting currently being undertaken includes hats for BISS, and blankets for the Baby Pack project.
I am now in training for a cycle ride to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in Coulsdon, Surrey. My daughter (who will be 10yrs old by then) will be raising the sponsorship, but is unable to cycle by herself, so Mum has to go too! Hopefully I will soon be sorting out a just giving page for her so we can attract sponsorship from far and wide.
I had a moment of panic on Thursdy when one of the chickens seemed very off colour and was being attacked by one of the others. I rescued the ailing hen, and put her in isolation in the dog cage (no the dog wasn't using it at the time!) and gave her 24 hours to see what happened. Well she laid an egg and then seemed OK so I put her back in with the others and all was well. Perhaps she was a little egg bound and just needed a bit of privacy!!
DD1 is now on a roll with her University applications. She has been offered conditional places by Bangor, Portsmouth and Southampton Solent, and has an interview at Newport. It looks like we will be putting a few miles on the car before the end of February, as we are visiting all but Portsmoputh in the next few weeks.
No photos this time but I will try and add some next time.
Now I am relaxing with my knitting. Current WIP's include the Golden Goddess cardigan from Issue 36 of Simply Knitting. I am making it in Sirdar's Silky Look, which is knitting up beautifully in colourway Coffee and Cream. Also a pair of aocks using Regia Bamboo Colour. This is amazing stuff which is similar in feel to cotton. The muted colours blende to create a very interesting effect.
Finished projects include a baby blanket, a Harry Potter hat and scarf and a fluffy scarf for a friends 11yr old daugher.
Charity knitting currently being undertaken includes hats for BISS, and blankets for the Baby Pack project.
I am now in training for a cycle ride to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in Coulsdon, Surrey. My daughter (who will be 10yrs old by then) will be raising the sponsorship, but is unable to cycle by herself, so Mum has to go too! Hopefully I will soon be sorting out a just giving page for her so we can attract sponsorship from far and wide.
I had a moment of panic on Thursdy when one of the chickens seemed very off colour and was being attacked by one of the others. I rescued the ailing hen, and put her in isolation in the dog cage (no the dog wasn't using it at the time!) and gave her 24 hours to see what happened. Well she laid an egg and then seemed OK so I put her back in with the others and all was well. Perhaps she was a little egg bound and just needed a bit of privacy!!
DD1 is now on a roll with her University applications. She has been offered conditional places by Bangor, Portsmouth and Southampton Solent, and has an interview at Newport. It looks like we will be putting a few miles on the car before the end of February, as we are visiting all but Portsmoputh in the next few weeks.
No photos this time but I will try and add some next time.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
One down, twenty three to go
No I'm not refering to days in December before Christmas, I am refering to knitting for a change.
I finished my Sirdar Peru Naturals cardi in Machu Pichu (photo asap), and have now got 23 more project ideas to go.
The sailors socks for Mike are nearly finished, and I have started work on the Griffindor house scarf for Charlie (I can only work on this after she goes to bed!), and I have started on a baby blanket for Emily's college tutor.
I bought loads of lovely sock yarn at the S&B

From the top they are:
Alpacca / silk from The Natural Dye Studio
Blue Faced Leicester also from The natural Dye Studio
Alpacca / merino from Fyberspates
Bluefaced Leicester / Nylon also from Fyberspates
Bluefaced Leister from Oxford Kitchen Yarns
and lastly 3 balls of Tofutsies for summer weight socks.
I finished my Sirdar Peru Naturals cardi in Machu Pichu (photo asap), and have now got 23 more project ideas to go.
The sailors socks for Mike are nearly finished, and I have started work on the Griffindor house scarf for Charlie (I can only work on this after she goes to bed!), and I have started on a baby blanket for Emily's college tutor.
I bought loads of lovely sock yarn at the S&B
From the top they are:
Alpacca / silk from The Natural Dye Studio
Blue Faced Leicester also from The natural Dye Studio
Alpacca / merino from Fyberspates
Bluefaced Leicester / Nylon also from Fyberspates
Bluefaced Leister from Oxford Kitchen Yarns
and lastly 3 balls of Tofutsies for summer weight socks.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Photos,Photos and more Photos
Here are a few of the photos I took at the Stitch and Bitch yesterday.
Me and Amy Lame (and my PomPom)

Debbie Stoller & me

Betsan and me

Fireworks on the Thames to celebrate the Lord Mayors Parade

Now for some photos which I should have added before!
Stripy legwarmers and fingerless mittens knitted for a friend!

Molly in her halloween costumes!

Me and Amy Lame (and my PomPom)
Debbie Stoller & me
Betsan and me
Fireworks on the Thames to celebrate the Lord Mayors Parade
Now for some photos which I should have added before!
Stripy legwarmers and fingerless mittens knitted for a friend!
Molly in her halloween costumes!
That just about sums up the event.
I made the trip to London by myself (first time I've done that in about 3 years). I arrived early and there was no one queuing. I almost thought I had gone to the wrong place. I sat in the foyer of the hotel and waited for signs of other people going to the S&B. There were plenty of stall holders going in and out, but no ticket wielding public. By 9:10 there were two others and our little queue started. By 9:30 the queue stretched round the foyer twice and out the front door. It was at that moment that I was glad I had come early as the first 30 people in the queue got to go to the Debbie Stoller workshop.
Once inside I headed straight for the book stand to get my hands on the Debbie Stoller Son of Stitch and Bitch and was the first person to purchase a copy. Then I started to have a look round at the wonderful stalls and the amazing choice of yarn(more about that later)
The first activity I was drawn to was Pom POm making with Amy Lame. How relaxing is that! Although I have made pompoms recently with my rainbows, most of the people around the table hadn't made a pompom since primary school. I was sat next to Stephanie Mann (she writes the back page for knitting magazine)
Then I made a quick visit to the Stitchlinks stall where I met Betsan and Steve, after which I took my place in the Debbie Stoller workshop. Amazing, I learned the technique of Double Knitting which she uses in her latest book. I would never have attempted it from the book as the instructions were so complex, but being taught by a real pro was brilliant. We even got to keep the two balls of beautiful wool and the Brittany birch needles. I got my book signed at the end of the workshop, and my photo taken with Debbie Stoller.
Before Betsan's Stitchlinks presentation I just had time to make a scarf for SHELTER the homeless charity(Not a full sized scarf-I'm not that quick! a mini scarf for a bottle, a bit like the innocent hats!) Then clutching the wool and needles I went to listen to Betsan's presentation where |I listened with interes to what she had to say, all the while knitting more scarves for Shelter. Had a lovely chat with Charlotte and Betsan before heading out into what was now a much more crowded market place.
I was looking for the knit a pet workshop in the I-Knit lounge when I heard that it was in the workshop room. I headed there and was just in time to get one of the coveted places at the table. We were then shown some of the knits in the Pet Heaven book by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne. Then the fun began and we knitted a Hamster!!
I finished the day with some shopping and then headed home. Only when I got near to Charing Cross there were Fireworks on the Thames to celebrate the Lord Mayors Show, so I watched those before going home.
It was only when I got into the station that I realised I hadn't eaten all day so had to have a Burger at the station.
Photos of my day, and my purchases to follow asap.
That just about sums up the event.
I made the trip to London by myself (first time I've done that in about 3 years). I arrived early and there was no one queuing. I almost thought I had gone to the wrong place. I sat in the foyer of the hotel and waited for signs of other people going to the S&B. There were plenty of stall holders going in and out, but no ticket wielding public. By 9:10 there were two others and our little queue started. By 9:30 the queue stretched round the foyer twice and out the front door. It was at that moment that I was glad I had come early as the first 30 people in the queue got to go to the Debbie Stoller workshop.
Once inside I headed straight for the book stand to get my hands on the Debbie Stoller Son of Stitch and Bitch and was the first person to purchase a copy. Then I started to have a look round at the wonderful stalls and the amazing choice of yarn(more about that later)
The first activity I was drawn to was Pom POm making with Amy Lame. How relaxing is that! Although I have made pompoms recently with my rainbows, most of the people around the table hadn't made a pompom since primary school. I was sat next to Stephanie Mann (she writes the back page for knitting magazine)
Then I made a quick visit to the Stitchlinks stall where I met Betsan and Steve, after which I took my place in the Debbie Stoller workshop. Amazing, I learned the technique of Double Knitting which she uses in her latest book. I would never have attempted it from the book as the instructions were so complex, but being taught by a real pro was brilliant. We even got to keep the two balls of beautiful wool and the Brittany birch needles. I got my book signed at the end of the workshop, and my photo taken with Debbie Stoller.
Before Betsan's Stitchlinks presentation I just had time to make a scarf for SHELTER the homeless charity(Not a full sized scarf-I'm not that quick! a mini scarf for a bottle, a bit like the innocent hats!) Then clutching the wool and needles I went to listen to Betsan's presentation where |I listened with interes to what she had to say, all the while knitting more scarves for Shelter. Had a lovely chat with Charlotte and Betsan before heading out into what was now a much more crowded market place.
I was looking for the knit a pet workshop in the I-Knit lounge when I heard that it was in the workshop room. I headed there and was just in time to get one of the coveted places at the table. We were then shown some of the knits in the Pet Heaven book by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne. Then the fun began and we knitted a Hamster!!
I finished the day with some shopping and then headed home. Only when I got near to Charing Cross there were Fireworks on the Thames to celebrate the Lord Mayors Show, so I watched those before going home.
It was only when I got into the station that I realised I hadn't eaten all day so had to have a Burger at the station.
Photos of my day, and my purchases to follow asap.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Stitch & Bitch : London
I can't believe I am going tomorrow to the first Stitch and Bitch day in London. I have been looking forward to this for a long time and now am getting ready for the big day.
I have saved up for it and have got my ticket. My bag is packed, my comfortable shoes are ready and my last minute babysitting problems are solved, thanks to the weather! (My hubby can't go sailing due to the storm winds and so is staying at home to look after Charlie)
I have read the web-site info so many times that I almost know it off by heart.
Current knitting projects are going to take a back seat if I buy some new stuff. I have just finished a pair of stripy legwarmers and fingerless mitts for one of my patients in black and day-glo green. I will take a photo when my batteries have recharged. Also on the needles is a pair of socks for my hubby in green and red (one of each colour for sailing). And for a change I have something I am making for myself. I found some Sirdar Peru Naturals, colour way Machu Pichu.
I cast on Monday evening. I finished the back and have started the sleeves already. I am going away for a weekend in December and would like to have it finished by then.
The problem is I received my copy of Simply Knitting yesterday and it included a pattern for a Shaun the Sheep mobile which both daughters have fallen in love with. Plus a friend wants two mini hat and scarf sets for a gift she is making.
I have saved up for it and have got my ticket. My bag is packed, my comfortable shoes are ready and my last minute babysitting problems are solved, thanks to the weather! (My hubby can't go sailing due to the storm winds and so is staying at home to look after Charlie)
I have read the web-site info so many times that I almost know it off by heart.
Current knitting projects are going to take a back seat if I buy some new stuff. I have just finished a pair of stripy legwarmers and fingerless mitts for one of my patients in black and day-glo green. I will take a photo when my batteries have recharged. Also on the needles is a pair of socks for my hubby in green and red (one of each colour for sailing). And for a change I have something I am making for myself. I found some Sirdar Peru Naturals, colour way Machu Pichu.
I cast on Monday evening. I finished the back and have started the sleeves already. I am going away for a weekend in December and would like to have it finished by then.
The problem is I received my copy of Simply Knitting yesterday and it included a pattern for a Shaun the Sheep mobile which both daughters have fallen in love with. Plus a friend wants two mini hat and scarf sets for a gift she is making.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
7 things about me
I have been tagged so here goes
1) I don't like winter as I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.
2) I am a Rainbow Guider
3) I want to live on Arran and breed alpacca (but since their winter days are shorter I don't think this would be a good idea)
4) I have a stash of yarn which my husband knows nothing about
5) I love murder mystery books and have enough to keep me going for at least 2 years without needing to buy any more,(not that that will stop me!!!
6) I entered and won the missability knitted walking stick cover competition.
7) I found this really hard to do as I couldn't think of anything to put down at first.
Tomorrow my first born will be 18. I can hardly believe that my "baby" is old enough to vote!
We had a family party for her on Saturday and 42 people joined us to celebrate.

This was taken while she was on holiday in Snowdonia.
1) I don't like winter as I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.
2) I am a Rainbow Guider
3) I want to live on Arran and breed alpacca (but since their winter days are shorter I don't think this would be a good idea)
4) I have a stash of yarn which my husband knows nothing about
5) I love murder mystery books and have enough to keep me going for at least 2 years without needing to buy any more,(not that that will stop me!!!
6) I entered and won the missability knitted walking stick cover competition.
7) I found this really hard to do as I couldn't think of anything to put down at first.
Tomorrow my first born will be 18. I can hardly believe that my "baby" is old enough to vote!
We had a family party for her on Saturday and 42 people joined us to celebrate.
This was taken while she was on holiday in Snowdonia.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I have just realised that my last post was a total mystery as the words disappeared!
The trainer socks (which look like kids socks, but do actually fit my size 5 feet) were knitted in Patons splash cotton 4ply. I started knitting them in Arran and I love the colours.
The other pair are Opal flamingo.
I've been busy lately getting back into the normal routine of School, Brownies, Dance classes, College and all other kids stuff!
This weekend we went to Hastings for Ella's 1st birthday. I can't believe that a whole year has passed since I put Ellas 1st photo on my blog.
Other things happening in the Mad-house have included entering the missability knitted walking stick cover competition which I was overjoyed to discover I won in the real life category.
Now I'm busy thinking up plans for Emily's 18th birthday party.
The trainer socks (which look like kids socks, but do actually fit my size 5 feet) were knitted in Patons splash cotton 4ply. I started knitting them in Arran and I love the colours.
The other pair are Opal flamingo.
I've been busy lately getting back into the normal routine of School, Brownies, Dance classes, College and all other kids stuff!
This weekend we went to Hastings for Ella's 1st birthday. I can't believe that a whole year has passed since I put Ellas 1st photo on my blog.
Other things happening in the Mad-house have included entering the missability knitted walking stick cover competition which I was overjoyed to discover I won in the real life category.
Now I'm busy thinking up plans for Emily's 18th birthday party.
Friday, September 14, 2007
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