Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I have just realised that my last post was a total mystery as the words disappeared!

The trainer socks (which look like kids socks, but do actually fit my size 5 feet) were knitted in Patons splash cotton 4ply. I started knitting them in Arran and I love the colours.

The other pair are Opal flamingo.

I've been busy lately getting back into the normal routine of School, Brownies, Dance classes, College and all other kids stuff!

This weekend we went to Hastings for Ella's 1st birthday. I can't believe that a whole year has passed since I put Ellas 1st photo on my blog.

Other things happening in the Mad-house have included entering the missability knitted walking stick cover competition which I was overjoyed to discover I won in the real life category.

Now I'm busy thinking up plans for Emily's 18th birthday party.


RoxyK said...

The socks are really cute! If people see me making a sock for myself they always assume I'm making baby ones lol!

Alison said...

You've been tagged for the 8 random things about you meme!
I'll be checking!

Felicity Ford said...

Hi there! Did you get your yarn vouchers in the post??
Just checking... Felix