Monday, February 18, 2008

Self pity is not good

I'm lying on my back with the laptop propped up on a cushion to enable me to type. I seem to have a bulging vertebral disc in the Lumbar region which is pressing on my sciatic nerve. Movement of any kind is excruciating and I don't cope well with pain. This morning got lost in a blur of tears and sleep and now I am just lying here feeling sorry for myself.

Yesterday was hubby's 60th birthday and we had all the family round for dinner. Daughter 1, son in law, 2 grandchildren, Son, son's fiancee, Daughter 2 and Daughter 3. With hubby and I that made 10 round the table. It was great fun although I am paying for it today!
The birthday boy was delighted with his cherished number pates for his car( I was having doubts up until the last minute that he wouldn't like them). Just got to get to the DVLA to re-register the car so that he can put the new plates on. He also got some lovely photos of the Grandchildren in a frame, this will go on the wall as soon as I can get a hook for the picture rail.

Knitting has been non existant this week as i can't manage it lying flat on my back. Before I was in this predicament I had just frogged the back of my Freedom Spirit cardigan as I had mis-read the instructions. Happy was not my middle name!!!

I will post some photos as soon as I can reach the cupboard with the camera leads in as I can't download the photos onto the lap-top at the moment.


scarletti said...

I'm sending you an award, to help you keep your chin up. you do a great job thinking about other people, so take one for you. xx

PaulaC said...

Having just recovered from weeks of excruciating back pain, you have all my sympathy. The pain killers just kept me sane, though being unable to knit was torture.