Friday, November 03, 2006

How appropriate

You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?

Scarves Scarves and more Scarves

This was my stall at the school pamper night in October. I got off to a good start and sold over £70.00 worth of scarves.
Then I took them to the MS Therapy Centre, where they are on sale from now until Christmas.

As soon as I got them out of the boxes I started to get bombarded with special requests. The photo shows a hat scarf and mitten set for one of my patients to give to her granddaughter.

I am now trying to finish a few more for one of the Physio team to take to her ladies night. She is going to have some friends round to buy some products from our christmas fund-raising ranges.

Also my youngest daughter wants me to make her a hat!

Half term is over (thank goodness) and the girls are back at school and college. The holiday was manic chez nous.

Sunday: Big family get together at my brother's house near High Wycombe.

My mum was there from Norfolk, along with my brother Chris, his wife and 3 kids, My sister Cathy, her hubby and 2 kids, and myself, hubby and 2 kids. Fourteen of us together for the first time this year.

Back row : Chris & Myself

Middle row Cathy, Maddie, Edward, Mum, Emily, & Jamie

Front row: Joshua, Charlotte & Abigail.

Monday: Mum and I did some work in the garden. We managed to get the pelargoniums into the summer house to protect them from the frost. Then we started to dig holes in the non existant lawn to put stepping stones up the garden.

My stepdaughter arrived at lunch time with her two children.

Tuesday: Hubby left to go sailing. Lots of baby cuddling took place as the weather was not good enough to go out.

Wednesday: Went shopping in the morning and then called in at the local nursery to look at plum trees, (Charlie wants a plum tree), while we were there Charlie took part in their Halloween craft activities. Thus we came home with creepy spiders, masks and grass seed heads! Mum went home in the afternoon and Charlie and I played board games. Hubby returned early from sailing as there were storm force winds in the Solent!

Thursday: Hubby and Charlie went swimming while I set the remaining stones in the garden. Then I finished preparing the garden to sow the grass seed. Eventually got the seed sown and then had an afternoon nap!

Friday: Work, Shopping & McDonalds with Charlie!

Saturday: Physio course in Halton, Bucks.

Sunday: Emilys 17th Birthday

We were joined at home by my best friend from my school days, who also happens to be Emily's Godmother.

It was almost a relief to go back to work on Monday!