That just about sums up the event.
I made the trip to London by myself (first time I've done that in about 3 years). I arrived early and there was no one queuing. I almost thought I had gone to the wrong place. I sat in the foyer of the hotel and waited for signs of other people going to the S&B. There were plenty of stall holders going in and out, but no ticket wielding public. By 9:10 there were two others and our little queue started. By 9:30 the queue stretched round the foyer twice and out the front door. It was at that moment that I was glad I had come early as the first 30 people in the queue got to go to the Debbie Stoller workshop.
Once inside I headed straight for the book stand to get my hands on the Debbie Stoller Son of Stitch and Bitch and was the first person to purchase a copy. Then I started to have a look round at the wonderful stalls and the amazing choice of yarn(more about that later)
The first activity I was drawn to was Pom POm making with Amy Lame. How relaxing is that! Although I have made pompoms recently with my rainbows, most of the people around the table hadn't made a pompom since primary school. I was sat next to Stephanie Mann (she writes the back page for knitting magazine)
Then I made a quick visit to the Stitchlinks stall where I met Betsan and Steve, after which I took my place in the Debbie Stoller workshop. Amazing, I learned the technique of Double Knitting which she uses in her latest book. I would never have attempted it from the book as the instructions were so complex, but being taught by a real pro was brilliant. We even got to keep the two balls of beautiful wool and the Brittany birch needles. I got my book signed at the end of the workshop, and my photo taken with Debbie Stoller.
Before Betsan's Stitchlinks presentation I just had time to make a scarf for SHELTER the homeless charity(Not a full sized scarf-I'm not that quick! a mini scarf for a bottle, a bit like the innocent hats!) Then clutching the wool and needles I went to listen to Betsan's presentation where |I listened with interes to what she had to say, all the while knitting more scarves for Shelter. Had a lovely chat with Charlotte and Betsan before heading out into what was now a much more crowded market place.
I was looking for the knit a pet workshop in the I-Knit lounge when I heard that it was in the workshop room. I headed there and was just in time to get one of the coveted places at the table. We were then shown some of the knits in the Pet Heaven book by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne. Then the fun began and we knitted a Hamster!!
I finished the day with some shopping and then headed home. Only when I got near to Charing Cross there were Fireworks on the Thames to celebrate the Lord Mayors Show, so I watched those before going home.
It was only when I got into the station that I realised I hadn't eaten all day so had to have a Burger at the station.
Photos of my day, and my purchases to follow asap.